X-Ray ( fr: Rayon X) is the motif where one adds control to a square through a piece.
X-Ray Illustration:
Chigorin-ZnoskoBorovsky 1903
White to play and win

White played here
1Qf8+!. The f8 square is controlled
indirectly by the Rook on d8, allowing for that move.
1..Rf8 2 Rf8 is Checkmate.
Exercise: White to play and win (
Tal-Chandler, 1974)

1. Rf8+!; Rxf8 (a forced move)
2. Rxf8#
no, 2.Rxf8 is a bad move because black will respond with another Rxf8 which puts white back to the drawing board, if he promotes the pawn black will just take it with the king. though it does not follow the xray tactic perfectly, 2.Pxf8=Q or R is better because it directly results in mate. it is protected from the king by the rook on d8 and the knight because white's bishop is pinning it
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