Monday, February 25, 2008

Play like Tal !

In this position, the chess magician and ex-world champion Mikhail Tal managed to get a decisive material advantage. Can you find out what were his next three moves ?

White to play and gain a decisive advantage

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Kasparov or the killer instinct

Here's another position to test your tactics. Kasparov had the white pieces in the following position and attacked aggressively.Can you find the killer move the world champion played ?

White to play and win
Kasparov-Lautier 1994

Quiz Kasparov : Answers

The previous post showed 5 positions where Kasparov find a winning continuation.

Click on the following links to replay the answers on a chessboard.

Position 1:

Position 2:

Position 3:

Position 4:

Position 5:

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Quiz Special Kasparov !

Improve your tactical skills by finding the best move in the following 5 positions.
In each puzzle, the former world chess champion Garry Kasparov, undoubtely one of the best players of all times, managed to get a decisive advantage.Calculate well !

Feel free to post your solutions & questions in the comments section.

1.Kasparov-Short 1993. White to play and win !

2.Kasparov-Nikolic 1992. White to play and win !

3.Gelfand-Kasparov 1997. Black to play and win !

4. Timofeev-Kasparov 2004. Black to play and win !

5. Shirov-Kasparov 1997. Black to play and win!

Solutions will be posted later on this month. Please post requests for hint or solutions in the comments section, or by email at thechesscorner "at"