Illustration: Smejkal-Popov 1970

1.? White to play and win
White played 1 d5! clearing the a2-g8 diagonal. Because the double threat is to promote the pawn, Black has to play 1..cd5. Then 2.Bd5! wins the game as the Bishop attacks the rook as well as the knight in g8: 3.Re8 will win the knight on g8 ( double attack). Black resigned after 2.Bd5!
Exercise: Mikhalcissin- Chekhov 1977

1.? White to play and win
1.Nb4 (white opens the diagonal h1-a8 and d5 spot is free for the bishop to pin black's knight) black has to resign; for e.g. if he plays 1..Ke8; 2. Nd5 and black cannot come to defend its knight by playing Kd7 because white has a mate in one: 3. Qc6#
Your move is enough to win.
The Grandmaster Mihalcisin played
1.Nb6!, which has the additional threat of threatening mate:
1..Rc7 2 Qe6!! Ke6 3 Bd5+ Kf6 4 Bg5! with mate
1..ab6 2 Bd5 wins just like in your variation
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