Blindfold round 3, Amber Tournament 2009, Nice France
Anand-Carlsen 0-1
1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 d6 4. O-O Bd7 5. Re1 Nf6 6. c3 a6 7. Bf1 Bg4 8. d3 e6 9. Nbd2 Be7 10. h3 Bh5 11. g4?! Bg6 12. Nh4 Nd7 13. Ng2 h5! 14. f4 hxg4 15. hxg4 Qc7 16. Nf3 O-O-O 17. Ne3 Nb6 18. Nc4 Nxc4 19. dxc4 f5 20. exf5 exf5 21. g5 Bf7 22. Qc2 g6 23. Qf2 d5! 24. cxd5 Bxd5 25. Be3 Bxg5! 26. Qg3 Be7 27. Bg2 g5! 28. Nxg5 Bxg5 29. Bxd5 Rxd5 30. Qxg5 Qf7 31. Kf2 Rh2 32. Kf1 Rd8 33. Qg3 Qc4! 34. Kg1 Rxb2 0-1
23..d5! aimed at opening lines. Classic reaction in the center against flank attack.
27..g5! with idea of opening column g. What's a pawn when you are attacking the king ?
25..Bg5! with idea 26 fg5 Bf3 27Qf3 Qh2#
34..Rb2 with idea 25..Rg8 decides the game.
Great attack by Magnus Carlsen today against the current world champion Anand.
Carlsen showed today an amazing ability to play complex and tactical positions in blindfold games. Anand's play was too aggressive on the king-side by pushing g4-g5 early on and got punished in great style. Lots of folks would be proud to play at the same level in a rapid game !
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