Karjakin-Topalov (round 2) White to play and win

Position II: Morozevitch-Topalov (4). White to win.

Position III ; Black to move
Topalov-Morozevich (4). Why didn't Black take on g5 with the queen but played 1..Qb7 here ?
Answer for III:
1..Qg5? 2 Qf7+ Kh7 3 Re3 Bd7 4 Rg3! Qf6 5 Qg8+ Kh6 6 Qh8# would be a neat finish. 4..Bg4 may
be better in this variation but 5 Ne3 answers it. If Black tries 5..Re7 then 6 Qg8+ intermediary check wins.
Black avoided it by playing 1..Qb7 but lost eventually. Game followed with 2 Ng3 a4?! while 2..b4 was an interesting alternative ( 3 ab4 ab4 4cb4 Ne6!, bringing the knight to the defense ).
Official site: http://www.amberchess2009.com/
as I see it, the them of position I is "removing defender"
so, 1.Ng5 is the winning move, it threatens mate on h7, and cannot be taken as Qxf8 is the alternate mate
Well done !
1.Ng5! wins immediately but Karjakin missed it, but still managed to win the game.
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