Sunday, November 23, 2008

Critical Position / Decision in Chess (Part II)

Another critical position from a recent game.

I White to play

I think I can explain a bit further why I chose this precise position today. As White,
two main candidate moves come to mind. 1 Ra8 or 1 c6. Which one would you play and why ? Please analyze each alternative as far as you can.
May I suggest that these kind of positions remind me of IM Dvorestky famous approach where he lets his (GM) students analyze in depth from a given point ?

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Positional Games

Middlegame means also positional play sometimes. As mostly tactics are covered in the blog,
here are 6 positions where a positional domination is carried out at GM level.

I White to play (Positional)

Adams-David, 2008, White's 29th move

II White to play

Morozevich-Timofeev, 2008. 24th move.

III White to play

Gelfand-Kamsky 2006, 27th White move.

IV White to play

Bareev-Bacrot, 2000. White's 19th move

V: Black to play
Smyslov-Tal 1964. Black's 24th move.

All games can be replayed from the above positions via the next link

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Tactical Fireworks by Werle

The finish Werle-Wells 2008 was featured on the "chess mind blog".

Check it out ( solution is provided if you like me you failed to find it!).