Thursday, July 24, 2008

Gashimov-Nabaldian 2008 (level: medium)

Another tactical position from Gashimov. Here White has clearly the initiative against the exposed black king. Gashimov found the most dangerous next 2 moves and Nabaldian wasn't able to find the most resilient counter.

Can you find the decisive 2 moves Gashimov played ?

White to play and win

Gashimov-Nabaldian Capelle-La-Grande 2008

Hint: First move is a check, second isn't...

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Gashimov-Miton 2008 (level: difficult, hint provided)

V. Gashimov won two high-level events recently: Capelle-La-Grande open (tied for first) and the Baku Grand Prix (tied for first again). Let's take a look at the following position with White having a decisive advantage. The idea is to take advantage of the Queen in d7 defending key squares and pieces. The variation is long as Black can defend for at least three or four moves...

White to play and win

Gashimov-Miton 2008

Calculate well!

Hint: the tactial theme here is overloading.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Tactical Quiz: Kings on opposite sides

1. White to play and win
Akopian-Jobava 2005

2. White to play and win
Morozevich-Alekseev 2004

3. Black to play and win
Nakamura-Zapata 2006

4. White to play and win
Akopian-Wells 2006

Today's training is centered on the attack when one side castles long and the other short. This usually generates sharp middle-game position where the fastest or strongest attack decides the game.

Calculate well !

You can play through solutions here to compare with your thoughts.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Tactics Explained (Long Diagonal)

We will explain illustrate the attack along a diagonal as our main tactical motif today.

Let's take a look at the following position, White to move:

Svesnikov-Scherbakov 1991, White to play and win

Hint: White has a battery composed of Bc3 and Qe5. However 1 Ne6 is countered by 1..f6, blocking the long diagonal a1-h8. Is there a direct way to conclude the attack.

Solution is given below.


1 Qg7+!! Kg7 2 Nf5++ ( double check) Kg8 3 Nh6#.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Two easy tactics on Material Winning

In the first position, White has an easy way to win material.
This is extracted from the position reached by Morozevich against Korchnoi in 2004

White to play and win

In the second position, White has a way to win material in two moves. This position was reached in the blindfold game Ivanchuk-Anand 2007, Monaco.

White to play and win

Calculate well !

Feel free to post your solutions/questions in the comments section.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Inventive attack explained step by step

Sandipan-Tiviakov 2007 , Ottawa
White to play and win


24 Rbd1!. The idea is to exploit the vis-a-vis against the Queen and bring the rook into the game. This quiet move works because Black is tied up ( Ne6 is stuck to protect against mate on g7). The game continued then 24 Rbd1 Qb7 to reach the next position

White to play


25 Rd4 is how Sandipan continued. The idea is to follow up with rook giving check and then Qf6+ quickly leads to mate. Tiviakov defended with 25 ..Ne4. Logically, Sandipan increased the pressure by the sacrifice 26 Ree4! de4 27 Qf6! and then reach the following:

Exercise Position after 27 Qf6!

Black played ..Qc7 in the position above.
Why did this move (as any other for that matter) lose immediately ?

Here, Black is to play but all his pieces are uncoordinated and unable to cope with the threats. Black played 27..Qc7 above. Can you find how White finished up this magnificent attack ? The answer is as follows:


28 Nh6 + Kf8

29 Qh8+ Ke7

30 Nf5#

Final position

Impressive, isn't it ?