Monday, August 17, 2020

Colle-Zukertort ideas

Colle Zukertort is the system where white decides to fianchetto his dark square bishop b3,Bb2, plays e3,d4 as well as Bd3,Nbd2 and Nf3. Here is what white starts the game with


and in a real life game, here's the position for white where f2-f4 is also played.

Remember to play actively with White, setting the board on fire. Use the a1-h8 and b1-h7 diagonals with your bishops. Bring your knights to the kingside.
Like this :

Now lets see full games with this system with the white pieces.

here's another one

and one more example without Qc2/f5 inserted

and a final one with early Rc1 and c4-c5

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