Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Carlsen tactics (Carlsen-Ding Liren 2020 Chess24.com Finals)

today I'd like to go over the game from Magnus Carlsen against Ding Liren, a sharp sicilian defense game.www.chess24.com for full coverage

Critical position 1:

Both players went into a dynamic types of positions ( Sicilian Najdorf by Ding Liren). with Kings on opposite sides. 
White to play in diagram above.
Hint: Magnus was looking at 27 Rf3 and 27Rf7+. Can you calculate the lines ?

Critical position 2 (analysis):

White had to evaluate 27Rf7+ Kf7 28 Qe6+ Kg7 leading to the following diagram, white to play.
can Black defend and what is White's best move ?


Magnus looked at 29 Qe7+ Kg8  30 Nxe5 but 30..Rh7! saves Black.
White would win by playing 29 Ne7! , and here's why:
if 29..Rab8 30 Qg6+ Kf8 31Rf1+ wins
if 29..Rh7 30 Rf1! Qc4 31 Qf7+ Kh8 32 Ng6 checkmate
if 29..Qxc4 30 Qg6+ Kf8 31 Nf5! Qe4+ 32 Ka1 wins.

in the game Magnus played 27Rf3 f5 28 gf6+ Nf6 29 Qg2 Qd7 which allowed Ding to come back into the game. But eventually Magnus won the game anyway.

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