Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Super Grandmaster Attack

White to play and win !

Played in a rapid game by a certain ukrainian super grandmaster


Anonymous said...

1. h7+ (this move pushes black king in the corner) Kh8
2. c4! (this move isolates the two most active pieces of black, the queen and the bishop; it opens the diagonal roentgen in order to trap the queen) and now some posible continuations for black both leading to a lost game:
2..Qxa3 3. Qxe6! Rxe6 4. Nf7#
2..Bd5 3. Qf3! Bxc4 (or 3..Bxf3 4. Nf7#)4. Ra1

chess_planet said...

very interesting.

1 h7+ Kh8 2 c4 Bc4! only move to protect f7 3 Qf3 Bd5! 4 Ra1 Bf3 5 Ra2 and now either 5..Bd5 or 5..Bh5. Black survives.

You found the right idea. Nf7 is the theme. what is another candidate move ?

Anonymous said...

How about Ra1? Deflect the queen from protecting the Be6. e.g. Qxa1 2. h7+ Kh8, 3. Qxe6! and white can follow up with ideas of h6, etc,.