Monday, June 15, 2009

When GMs with rating > 2700 calculate and win !

I-White to play and win
Mamedyarov-Svidler, Fide Grand Prix 2009

II White to play and win
Leko-Gelfand Fide Grand Prix 2009

III- White to play and win
Bacrot-Mamyedarov, Grand Prix Fide 2009


Anonymous said...

II. 1. Nc7, Qc4 (forced, black must remain on a6-f1 diagonal in orther to pin white's d3 rook; if instead he leaves that diagonal then 2. Qxh7+! followed by Rh3#)
2. b3!, Ng4 (the only one to evoid the specified mate); then white wins the quality bxc4 and Nxa8

chess_planet said...

Congratulations ! You found the main variation for II.
After 1 Nc7 Qc4 2 b3 Gelfand actually played 2..Qg4.

The idea is to answer your ( and Leko's) idea 3 Qh7+ Kh7 4 Rh3+ by 4..Qxh3.
and if 3 Rh3 Qxd1+ keeps Black alive. However 2..Qg4 loses as well.

Can you find the winning line there ?

Anonymous said...

III. 1. Rxd7! with the following:
a)1..Qxd7 then 2. Rb8+,Bd8;3. Ba5,Ke7
4. Rxa8 with a winning position
b)1..Kxd7 then 2.Qd1+ with:
i)2..Qd5; 3.Nb6+ and 4.Nxd5
ii)2..Ke8 then 3. Rb8+,Qc8; 4.Rxc8+ and then Qxd8#
iii)2.. Kc8 then 3.Nb6+,Kc7; 4.Ba5 (threatning a discovered attack)Kb7 5. Nd7+ isolating the king on the 'a' file (if 5..Kc8 then 6.Rb8#) Ka7; 6. Bb6+,Kb7; 7.Bd8+, Ka7 and 8.Bxe7 1-0
iv)2..Kc7; 3.Ba5+, Kc8; 4.Nb6+ and we have the same variation described above
v)2..Bd6; 3.Nb6+ (if 3..Ke7 then 4.Bh4+ and 5.exd6 threatning to promote this pawn; if 3..Kd8 then 4.Nxa8, Qxa8; 5.Qxd6+ with win

chess_planet said...

Congrats !

Very rigorous analysis on all possible moves for Black, kudos !

Anonymous said...

Nobody tackled problem I.? It doesn't seem like something that really requires calculation.
1. Rxf7+ Kxf7 (or gets mated).
2. Qxd7 and wins, as they say.

Am I missing something other than the rigor to show how black is getting mated if he doesn't take on f7 and how, if he runs to the back row after taking f7, he gets slaughtered. His best chance is probably running to g6, but white has a good check with his queen on g7 and gets slaughtered in the h corridor. I don't think I need to show any variations to see that. Am I missing something?

chess_planet said...

Yes, thanks for looking at position #1.

I agree with you
1 Rf7+! Kf7
2 Qd7+ Kg8
You found the key line played by White.

Now what is the most precise move after 2..Kg8 ? This is where too often I am not careful and say later on " I was winning but..."

Those who have been there know what I am talking about :)