GM Hikaru Nakamura
I-Nemeth-Nakamura 2009Black to play and win

II-Nakamura-Mikhalevsky 2007
White to play and win

Chess Tactics and Combinations. Features Grandmaster opening and middlegame. Hints, Solutions and Analysis provided. Carlsen, Anand, Kasparov,Firouzja,Caruana games. Keep your game sharp ! --------------- (all material copyrighted)
Black plays Rxc1+ simplifying into a rook vs Bishop ending which should be fairly comfortable to win.
Hi, If you meant Queen takes c1+ in the diagram VI, then you are spot on.
VI 1..Qxc1+ 2Bc1 Rf3 wins the exchange as you wrote.
Simple but effective.
5 more diagrams to solve though !
V. 1.Rxd7 with the ideea 1..Rxd7; 2. Qb8+, Bf8 3. Bh6!
Yep for Puzzle V.
1 Rd7! wins as indicated in the previous post.
Well played !
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