Monday, April 27, 2009

Tactics with two bishops

Black to play and win

Position extracted from an online sicilian B47 game.


Anonymous said...

well, that's easy: 1. Bxe4 and now if Qxe4, 2.Ng3 mates, if Nxe4 then 2.Qxe4 and black has an extra light piece, enough to won the game

Anonymous said...

there is another variation: 1. Kg7 with the threat Rxh2+! and Rh8; if say g3 or g4, then follows: 2.Bxe4+
Nxe4; 3. Qxe4+ and 4. Nxg3+ with the same conclusion

chess_planet said...

1..Be4! is the right move. the first anonymous reader found it.

1..Kg7 is an interesting try threatening 2..Rh2!+
However I believe it is not right because of 2 h3! and now White has created an escape square in h2 for his king, and is back in the game.

chess_planet said...

Well, I take it back 2 h3 runs into the same variation 2..Be4 3 Ne4 Qe4! 5 Qe4 Ng3+ winning a piece.

So the problem has two acceptable solutions 1..Be4 and 1..Kg7 , even though the second relies on Bxe4 if White defends by 2h3.

Well done everyone !