Sunday, March 28, 2010

GM tactic weapons: World Cup Edition

Black to play and win !

In this position, Mamyedarov with the black pieces uncorked a nice move using a tactical motif against the White king.
Can you guess the key move&theme Black used here ?


Etaoin Shrdlu said...

1...Ra1 seems to do it. 2...Bb2 is an unanswerable threat.

Anonymous said...

1..Ra1 is not good as white may reply with 2.Ra7.
The combination as far as I can see is:
1..Qe2!! (the queen is untouchable: 2. Qxe2 Bxe3+ 3. Kh2 Bg1+! 4. Kh1 Bf2+ 5. Kh2 Bg3#) so white has to defend with 2. Qg1, but now black has the continuation 2..Bd2! Now if 3. Qxb1 Be1! threatning 4..Qf1+ and 5.. Bg3# so white has to resign as there is no use to play 4. Qxe1 as black may continue with 4.. Qxe1+ 5. Kh2 Qg3+ and 6..Qxc7

chess_planet said...

Very interesting comments.
1..Ra1 can be met by 2 Ne5! with 2..Bb2 3 Ng4+ winning the queen.
2..de5 3 Rc1 is unclear.

1..Qe2!! 2 Qg1 Now here the GM played 2..Qe3! (white can't take) 3 Qf1 Qf4 4 Qd3 Ra1 0-1

Your idea 2..Bd2 is very logical.
3Qb1 Be1! White has 4 Kh2! only move Qf1
5 Qe1 Qe1 6 Rb7 and Black is better but doesn't win the Rc7 on check like in your variation.

Plenty of tactics in ths initial position.

Thanks for your interesting thoughts