Sunday, May 11, 2008

Ivanchuk's creativity & candidate moves

In today's international top chess GMs, two players stand out : A. Morozevich and V. Ivanchuk. Although they are constantly ranked in the top20, and often in the top10, they are extremely creative, and their strength is not directly linked with their opening knowledge but the unpredictability and quality of the chess moves and plans they produce.

Here's Ivanchuk creating a modern masterpiece against Karjakin in Amber 2008 played in Nice, France. Vasily explained in an interview that his 14th move was prepared beforehand and not found over the board, but it is to his credit to be the first one to discover this spectacular idea. This is also a good reason not to think mechanically but consider all candidate moves, especially in tactical positions.

White to play and get a very strong initiative

Ivanchuk-Karjakin, 2008
Solution see below

1. Qe6!! fe6 2.Ne6 Qe5 3Ng7+ Kf8 4. Ne6+ Ke7 5 Rhe1 +/_
5 ..Qe1 ? (5..Bf2 is better) 6 Nc5+! Kg6 7 Re1 Kg5 8 Nb7 +/_

*Note that on 2..Qb8 follows 3Ng7+ like in the game
*Also 2..Qe7!? 3 Rhe1 Qe6! 4 Re6+ Ne7 5 f3 was the best defence for Black

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