Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Kasparov or the killer instinct

Here's another position to test your tactics. Kasparov had the white pieces in the following position and attacked aggressively.Can you find the killer move the world champion played ?

White to play and win
Kasparov-Lautier 1994


Anonymous said...

c est balaise ton truc, ca fait deux heures que je suis dessus, j en peux plus, si je continue, ma femme me quitte

Anonymous said...

1. Ng4!! with the following posibilities:
1...Rxg5; 2.Nxe5,Rxh5; (or 2...Rxe5; 3. Rxg5 with the threat Rd8+)
3. Rd8+,Ng8; 4. Nxf7#
1...fxg4; 2. Qxe5, Rxe5; 3. Rxe5
and white wins
1...Qc7?; 2. Qf6+ with mate on the next move

chess_planet said...

That's right!
Lautier resigned after 1 Ng4.
We'll make the next quiz more "difficile" ...