Saturday, April 2, 2011

Tactics to solve : Easy level selection

1. Black to win (Category Easy)

2. White to play and win (Category Easy)


Anonymous said...

well position 2 goes like this:

1 Qe8+ Qf8 2. Bxh7+ white wins.

Position 1.

hmm. How about about ..1.Ba6? If 2. Bxa6 then Rd1+, 3.Rxd1 cd1(Q)+, 4. Kxd1 Qb1+, 5. Ke2 Rc2+ 6. Kf3 Qxh1 and black has a material advantage

chess_planet said...

Position 2: solution found!

Position 1: 2..Rd1+ 3Ke2 is a better try for White.
Black can exchange on e3, then on h1 and play c1=Q winning the exchange. Black has a winning ending but the game goes on

I thought that 1..Rd1+! was winning , for instance 2Rd1 cd1 3 Bd1 Qg2 4 Rf1 Ba6 and Black has a winning position.

Well done!