Example of GM Carlsen Attack:
Carlsen again Nakamura in 2011 played 30g7! what are ideas behind this move ?
Position after 30 g7! - Black to move
A) Whatif Naka simply tried 30..Bxg7 in the diagram above ? Carlsen would play 31Nf5 Rc7 32 Nh6+ with discovery checks to follow winning the queen
B) What happens after 30..Nf731 gf8+ Kf8 32 Nf5 Qe5 and we reach position Analysis I
White to play and win - Position I

Solution below
33 Nh6!! leaving the queen en prise because of Rf7 with mate.
Position II after White's 33th move

33.. Rc7 34 Qg6! renewing the threat on f7 34..Qe6 35 Qh7! wins for White

The threat is Rhg1 and if 35..Ke7 36Re1! wins the queen on the e-column.
This is why Nakamura played 30..Be7 but lost anyway
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