Too often, an overwhelming advantage is obtained in a rapid or tournament game, but missing a clean decisive win lets the opponent come back in the game.
Here are three examples taken from recently played games. It's all about looking at all candidate moves and thematic combinations to clinch the game.Variations are not long but precise moves are required...
Position I

Black to play and win in two moves
Position II

White to play and win with a double-attack
Position III

Here White missed an elegant win, letting Black escape.
Position 1:
1...Ne3+! and white has to resign (if fxe3, then e1Q+ with a discovered attack; if K moves to any available square, then Nd1 ensures a the promotion of e pawn)
Well done, you found the key moves !
That's exactly what I missed with Black allowing my opponent to come back and win the game !
If only I had a dollar for every time I heard " My position was winning but...", I'd be set !!
Position 3
1.Qd6+ Rxd6 2.Bxd6+ Kg7 3.f8=Q+ Kg6 4.Qg8+ Kh5 5.Qxh7 ...
White now has material advantage
You find the solution for Position 3!
Well done.
In your variation 4..Rg7 is a better defence but White will win.
4 Qf6+ Kh5 5 Rf5+ decides
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