Akopian-Jobava 2005

Morozevich-Alekseev 2004

Nakamura-Zapata 2006

Akopian-Wells 2006
Today's training is centered on the attack when one side castles long and the other short. This usually generates sharp middle-game position where the fastest or strongest attack decides the game.
Calculate well !
You can play through solutions here to compare with your thoughts.
Solution for quiz 1.
1.Rh8+!; Kxh8
2.Rd8+; Ne8
3.Rxe8+; Rf8
solution for quiz 3.
1.Rxe6! with the following possibilities:
1...Qxe6; 2. Nxe6 (black wins)
1...Rxe6; 2. Qxf7+ and then Qxe6 (black also wins)
2.Qf7+, Kh8
3.Qxe8+!,Rxe8 (or 3...Qf8?;4. Qxd8!); 4. Nf7+
solution for quiz 2:
1.Rxh5! (threatening mate); gxh5
2.Bxb5! (black has to chose between its queen or its king, the attack on the opened "g" column is devastating)
Congratulations !
Well done!
All solutions can be replayed on a board here :
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