Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Position 10

Position 10, July 2007

Black to play and win
(Gelfand-Kasparov 1997)


Anonymous said...

I was first wondering about 1. ...Bxd5, but after 2. Qxd5 Qxg2 3. Kxg2 Ne3+ 4. Kf2 Nxd5 5. c4! I was not able to see any advantage for black. So, it seem 1. .. Bf1 seems to be the right move. After 1. ... Bf1 2. Kxf1 Ne3+ 3. Ke1 (avoiding CHECK after Qxg2) and now 3. ... Qh4+ !!

The real problem for black is the pawn on f4 is hanging (Queen and bishop can take it) so, black should not try to capture the bishop on g2. Instead, the target is the bishop on h2.

Now, after 3. ... Qh4+ white has not good moves.
4. Kf1 (or e2 or d2) Qxh2 and bishop on g2 is lost,


chess_planet said...

Congrats !
You found the right sequence, especially the very nice 3..Qh4!! : "White has no good moves" you said it best!

I'll have to increase the level of difficulty for August then !