Assess the position above ( White to play) and analyze the critical path. Once again, a critical position , a topic largely brought up to the general chess audiences by IM Dvorestky.
This position comes from a game played by Bacrot with Black.
Chess Tactics and Combinations. Features Grandmaster opening and middlegame. Hints, Solutions and Analysis provided. Carlsen, Anand, Kasparov,Firouzja,Caruana games. Keep your game sharp ! --------------- (all material copyrighted)
Anand-Charbonneau Calvia (ol) 2004
Position 13:
White to play and win
Solutions coming soon
It followed 2Qd3+ Kg8 3 Qe4. White has defended against the Black threat Rh1.
Position after 3 Qe4. Black to play and win.
It followed 3..Rh1+!. Black is using a geometric motif to win outright.
Position after 3..Rh1+!
It followed 4 Qh1 Ra1+ and black wins the Queen as the King moves anywhere on the second rank.
Superb play by Viswanathan Anand.
Now 2 hg3 hg2+ 3 Kg1 Rh1 #.
and after 2gh3 Bd6! winning the knight, White resigned.
Anand became World Champion in 2007 at the world championship tournament in Mexico. We are presenting in this post another 5 tactical positions with replayable solutions. This is a selection of some of Anand's best games and combinations. Try to emulate him in the following five positions :
8. Black to play and win (Ivancuk-Anand 1998)
9.Black to play and win ( Topalov-Anand 2006)
10. White to play and win (Anand-Topalov 2007)
Please note that you can find more brilliancies from Vishy Anand on http://www.chesscafe.com/text/informant61.pdf
3. White to play and win (Anand-Gelfand 1996)
4.Black to play and win ( Karjakin-Anand 2006)
5. White to play and win (Anand-Morozevich 2007)
Please note that you can find more brilliancies from Vishy Anand on http://www.chesscafe.com/text/informant61.pdf
Game from diagram 4 is annotated by Vishy Anand himself (Informator 96/183) on http://www.chesscafe.com/text/informant56.pdf